BestNotes permission
When using OutcomeTools in conjunction with BestNotes, you will need to give the user the "OutcomeTools" user permission in the Clinical section of the User Permissions. There are two permissions associated with OutcomeTools.
The first permission is "OutcomeTools" and provides the user the OutcomeTools tab in the client's chart.
The second permission is "OutcomeTools Administrator" and will give the user the OutcomeTools icon in the upper right hand corner of BestNotes.
OutcomeTools setup
Once you have given the appropriate BestNotes permissions, navigate to OutcomeTools and follow these steps.
- Select the "Manage Users" tab.
- Select "Add User."
- Select the "Import BestNotes User" drop-down and choose the name of the user from the drop-down. The list of users will only appear if you are using BestNotes. Additionally, the user must have at least one of the OutcomeTools permissions, and a valid email address.
- Fill out and verify each field. Importing the user information will autofill most of the following fields, be sure to verify each field, and fill out the fields indicated with asterisks.
- First Name.
- Last Name.
- Email address.
- *Verify email address. (This address must be the same in BestNotes)
- *Assign a level or permission.
- *Select appropriate OutcomeTools User Group.
- *Select the "Administration checkbox.All users must be given the Administration checkbox. If other OutcomeTools user groups are available, selecting them will allow users to see clients assigned to that specific user group.
- *Select the "Administration checkbox.
- The status of a user is whether a user is active or inactive in OutcomeTools.
- Select "Save User."
OutcomeTools permission levels
Depending on what access you want the user to have, select the appropriate permission level. Each permission level includes the access of the lower levels. The levels are as follows:
- Level 5: Manage Users/Company Defaults: Users are able to add users, change company settings, and export data out of OutcomeTools.
- Level 4: Manage Clients/Contacts: Users can add clients from BestNotes to OutcomeTools, and administer questionnaires.
- Level 3: Assign/Dismiss Questionnaires: Users can only assign and dismiss questionnaires to clients who are already imported into OutcomeTools from BestNotes.
- Level 2: Administer Assigned Questionnaires: Users can administer assigned questionnaires.
- Level 1: View Completed Questionnaires: Users will have read-only access of completed questionnaires.