If you have an inactive user, and you need to reactivate that user, you must have the "Manage Users" permission. If you do not see the inactive user, you may need to reach out to your System Administrator to have them update your "Access Tags."

To reactivate a user, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Settings", then "Users."
  2. From the "Inactive Users" list, select the user you would like to reactivate.
  3. In the "User Details" window, unselect the "Inactivate & force log off" checkbox.
  4. You will receive an alert to let you know that this user will be added to your billable user count. Select "OK."
  5. Select "Save."

Now that you have unselected the checkbox, and saved your updates, this user will be activated, and will be added to your billable user count. If you would like to learn more, you can visit, New User or Inactivate user.

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