To setup your ledger, you will need to create Categories, Code Modifiers, Fee Schedules, and Item/Codes. This document will show you how this can be done. 

 Caution: BestNotes employees are unable to provide any insight on what procedural codes are used, or any details within those codes.

Permissions Required

You will need the "Manage Ledger" permission to setup and manage the Ledger.

  1. Select "Settings" and "Ledger."
  2. Your "Ledger Settings" window will open.

Manage Categories

Categories are used to organize your ledger. For example, "Clinical Codes" vs. "Case Management Codes" vs. "Add-On Codes." 

Create New Category

  1. Select "Manage Categories."
  2. Select "New Category."
  3. Enter "Category Title." Clicking outside the "Category Title" will automatically save the category. Categories will be listed in alphabetical order.
  4. Select the appropriate checkboxes.
  5. Select "Save."

Category Checkboxes

Each category checkbox has a different purpose. 

  • Clinical Codes - This will generate claims in the preliminary claims queue for e-billing. Selecting this checkbox will give additional options when creating codes within that category.
  • Do not autobill - This will allow you to create clinical codes within a category that will not be sent to the preliminary claims queue.
  • Taxable - This will flag the category as taxable.
  • Inactive - This will inactivate the category. 
  • Locked - This will lock the category from updates.

Delete Category

You can only delete a category if there are no codes created within that category. The "Delete Category" button will turn blue if you are able delete the category.

Code Modifiers

Create Code Modifier

  1. Select "Code Modifiers"
  2. Add the appropriate text in the "New Code Modifier" field.
  3. Select "Save Modifier."

Update existing Code Modifier

To update an existing Code Modifier, update the necessary text, and select outside the text field to save.

Delete existing Code Modifier

To delete a code modifier, select "Delete" next to the code you want to delete.

 Note: Updating or Deleting a Code Modifier will only affect future ledger entries.

Manage Fee Schedules

Create New Fee Schedule

Every BestNotes database will have a "Usual Fee" schedule added by default. This Fee Schedule can not be changed.

  1. Select "Manage Fee Schedules."
  2. Select "Create New Schedule."
  3. Enter the "Schedule Title."
  4. Select "Save."

Update existing Fee Schedule

To update an existing Fee Schedule, update the necessary text, and select outside the text field to save.

Inactivate Fee Schedule

To Inactivate an existing Fee Schedule, un-check the "Active" checkbox. To re-activate that Fee Schedule, select the "Active" Checkbox.

New Item/Code

Create New Item/Code

  1. Select "New Item/Code."
  2. At a minimum, enter information in the following fields:
    • Category - select the drop-down to select the appropriate category.
    • Office Code - this could be codes that you use within your company.
    • Procedure Code - This needs to be actual codes, recorded properly to be successfully submitted to insurance payers.
    • Description
    • Service Units
    • Default Units
    • Bill Rate - The rate you charge for the service, and defines the bill rate for the "Usual Fee" schedule.
    • Pay Rate - The rate you pay for the service, and defines the pay rate for the "Usual Fee" schedule. If you are not paying contracted providers, it is recommended that you put a "0.00" in this field.
  3. If you add a "Modifier", that Modifier will automatically be added when the code is applied. The modifiers will pull from the list of modifiers you created.
  4. Selecting the "Add-on" checkbox will identify the code as an "Add-on" code.
  5. Selecting the "Req Parent" checkbox is used in conjunction with the "Add-on" checkbox, and will not allow users to add this code without the required parent code.
  6. "Add-on Codes" is where you can identify this code as a Parent Code. In the "Valid Add-ons" field, type in the Add-on procedure code, and select the applicable code. When this parent code is added, you will have the option to select the valid "Add-on" code if needed. 
  7. Select the "Auto-apply add-on codes" checkbox to automatically apply the Add-on code when the parent code is applied.
  8. Once you have filled in the appropriate information, select "Save."

Manage Item/Codes

Once a procedure code has been applied to a client's register, you can no longer edit that code. 

You also can not edit the "Procedure Code" once it has been saved. If you have made a mistake, and need to correct the Procedure Code, contact BestNotes Support.

If the ledger code is no longer needed:

  1. Select the Category in the top left.
  2. Select the code.
  3. Select the "Inactive" checkbox.
  4. Select "Save."
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