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Requires System Administrator Login:


NOTE: Calendar changes require a Log Off before they take effect.

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Slot Minutes

System Administrators select slot intervals based on their needs. The calendar will modify it's appearance to reflect these changes. The company can request any interval to be displayed as increments of 5 minutes (5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.) up to 60 minutes: 

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Appointment Interval

Each company can also request a specific time selector interval for display within the appointment details dialog box

  1.  Left-click on appointment
  2. Click on the box that displays the time of appointment

This number can be as low as 5 minutes and must be both an increment of 5 and less than or equal to their slot interval setting: Default for all companies is 15 minutes. 

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Default Global Provider

Default Global Provider first displays Global in the Provider box instead of the user. Global appointments display in all Calendars (see examples below). These appointments will be gray to differentiate from other appointment types. 



They do not display when using the BestNotes calendar overlay feature: 


NOTE: Unless you are looking at one user's calendar:


Printing has only been implemented for our default calendar configuration. Anything outside of that will likely not print correctly at this time.

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