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Sometimes a student changes from one class to another during a term. For example, changing from PE to Art. To keep the grades and reports for each class, please do the following.

  1. Go to the student’s page
  2. Click on the Academics button

  3. Click on the Enroll tab

  4. Click the Details button for the first class

  5. A window will open
  6. Enter the last day the student attends that class in the End date

  7. Save (Grade of first class saved)
  8. Enroll the student in the new class
  9. In the Begin date, enter the first day they attend
  10. Grade of first class automatically transferred to second class

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Mid-Term Move In / Out

Move In:
  • Enroll a student Mid-Term, only change the Begin Date
    • BestNotes Reports overlooks all the previous assignments
    • Credits can be discussed at end

Move Out:
  • End a student's participation and prepare for transferring to another school.
  • Same as Finalizing (Complete) Grades with one more step
    • Change the End date
    • For more documentation, Click HERE.

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