Make the admission process easier with your very own BestNotes web portal.

Before Starting:

BestNotes Support would like your company's System Administrator to create a ticket with:

  • An e-mail to notify you when an application is submitted (for more information, Click HERE), such as:
  • Your company's phone number.
    • This will be placed at the bottom of the applications.
    • Clients can then contact your organization with questions.
  • Your company's Logo:
    • Must be in JPG or PNG format
    • Should be 725 pixels wide by no more than 300 pixels tall
    • For more information, click HERE
  • Application(s) choice:
    • Adult Behavioral Health
    • Adolescent Behavioral health
    • Addiction Treatment
    • Custom Application built from the Intake Assessment (Med/Clinical)
    • Common Application – to transfer clients to different programs (for more information, Click HERE)
  • Portal Name  (e.g. New Customer Portal) 
  • Menu Color – the menu bar can be changed to a color that compliments your logo and/or matches the  styling of your existing web site.
  • When a person logs off of the portal, they will be redirected to the website that was given to BestNotes during the application process.

NOTE: If no information or documentation is sent to the portal, a client may see the 404 Error. The portal is not broken, but lacking linked items from BestNotes (for more information, click HERE).

NOTE: 3 Portal Versions or Scenarios are available.

  • Application only (open for edits or "Complete" which means it was archived and cannot be edited)
  • Portalized documents only
  • Display both Applications and Documents:
  1. Once an application is imported and archived, the contact in BestNotes is "Linked" to the portal (for more information, Click HERE).
  2. A linked contact may only see portalized documents and a system administrator will need to request for both or follow these multiple applications instructions. 


Academics can also be added to the Portal:

  • The attendance is part of the grades section (NOTE: BestNotes can't pull the attendance out of the grades summary but we can turn the grades summary off).
  • These will match exactly what you see in BestNotes under Client > Academics > Summary Tab > Schedule Tab.


Additional Feature Requests 

  • Allow Clients to access their own information (NOTE: If this is turned off after it was on, the clients who were able to see portalized documents will still be able to see them and a request will need to be made to turn that off).
  • Hide/Display Portal PIN number in the Demographics (Edit details screen).
  • Add one default Access Tag to the imported contacts (e.g. "Global" in order to immediately allow full access).

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