  1. When turning on appointment reminders we recommend adding a statement to your company's privacy policy that lets your clients know that appointment reminders will be sent.
  2. All clients created automatically have the 'Notify via SMS' checkbox marked and if they provide a mobile number will automatically begin to receive reminders.  
  3. If a client does not want to receive reminders uncheck the 'Notify via SMS' checkbox.
  4. A client can opt out at a later time by replying "STOP" to any reminder message received.
  5. It is recommended to only turn on reminders for a couple of Appointment Types at first.  As your company gets more comfortable with the Text messages and the cost per Text, gradually add more Appointment Types and time periods. 

BestNotes strives to provide our customers with many customization options, however, we have standards, best practices, and a hard character limit. This means that we will not be able to change the messages that are sent or received.

To review the fees associated with Appointment Reminder, please use the "Appointment Reminder Report". This report contains a breakdown of all messages sent and received.

 User Permissions Required (contact your BestNotes System Administrator for user permissions):


Remember to click Save at the bottom after any changes are made.

Again, remember to click Save at the bottom after any changes are made.

All new contacts (Clients / Individuals - e.g. Mom/Dad, Patient, Student, etc.) will have the Notify by SMS already checked upon creation. They will not receive a reminder until there is a number in the Home > Cell phone field.

Standard Report - Appointment Reminders:

  • Appointment Reminders must be turned on before this report will be available.
  • Change Message type filter or Export for further analysis.
  • Run at the end of the month to know what BestNotes will charge in addition to your company's monthly user amount.

The "Response" Type will either be confirmation messages (usually after an incoming confirmation) or when BestNotes did not understand the reply and prompts the person to call your company.

Confirm appointments:

  • Each contact that confirms their appointment via SMS will automatically change the confirm status icon in the appointment.
  • Once an appointment is confirmed, the future messages will preclude the "Reply C to confirm." part of the message.
  • If an appointment is manually confirmed in BestNotes prior to a reminder being sent, the reminder will not include the "Reply C to confirm." verbiage.

Opt-out or Opt-in?

  • New contacts will already have the Notify by SMS checked.
  • The contact can reply with "Stop" to opt-out of all future messages.
    • A user can open the contact's details and re-check the Notify by SMS when the contact wants to receive text messages again.

NOTES : If a contact no longer receives services from your company but is still on some appointments, the only way for that contact to NOT receive a future message would be to:
  • Remove the contact from the appointment(s):
    • Check the contact's Activity log (New Note tab or client chart) for dates.
    • Run the "C -" reports if the first option is not clear.
  • Contact replies with "STOP."
  • Have a user uncheck the Notify by SMS in that contact's details:
    • During discharge or when they no longer need services (e.g. transfers).
  • OR
    • If replying "STOP" does not prevent further messages.

  • All contacts will have Notify via SMSchecked.
    • Find it next to the Cell Phone field in their contact details.
    • If the NC (no Contact) was selected the Notify via SMS will not be selected.
    • All new contacts (e.g. Mom/Dad, Client, Patient, Student, etc.) will have Notify via SMS checked by default upon creation.

  • No SMS Text message will go out, until a user, who has the Appointment Reminder permission, commits to the following in Settings:
    • Turns on Appointment Reminders in Settings.
    • Sets at least one time when a text message is to be delivered.
    • Clicks the Save button at the bottom.
  • BestNotes recommends that your company starts by setting only one Appointment type and one message delivery time for a trial run.
    • It is best that each company try this feature on a few contacts' appointments before opening to all contacts.
    • If possible, have your staff added as contacts on a trial appointment in order to receive a text message of their own and know what your clients will experience.
    • NOTES
      • BestNotes is following HIPAA compliant standards and will NOT accept any requests for changes to content.
      • If your company does NOT like the content of these messages, then your company should NOT use this feature.
      • BestNotes support will look into issues (e.g. time zones or names not populating correctly).
  • Each SMS, incoming and outgoing, will cost 5¢ per message (text) and final cost for the month can be viewed on the Standard - Appointment Reminder Report.
  • Contacts will be able to Opt-out of these messages by simply replying with "Stop".

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