April 2024 - We are no longer accepting new Avea setups, but our support team will continue to assist our valued existing Avea connections.

BestNotes and Avea integration

This document will walk you through how to setup your API connection between BestNotes and Avea, how to add a client from BestNotes to Avea, and how to verify that import.

Connecting your API

BestNotes and Avea have joined forces to offer an integration of Avea and BestNotes. This integration includes the ability to pull a BestNotes client into Avea. 

To get started, you will first need to contact Avea to be trained and implemented. Avea will provide you with the API specific credentials you need to connect your API to BestNotes (Username and Password).

To begin setup for the Avea and BestNotes integration you will need the "Manage API" permission (see Figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1. Manage API permission in the User Details screen

You will then need to log into BestNotes and navigate to the Settings page. Here you will select the "APIs" tab (see Figure 1-2). In the API window, select the "Third Party" tab in the popup (see Figure 1-3).

Figure 1-2. API setting

Figure 1-3. "Third Party" window

In the "Third Party" window select "Add Credentials." In the "Select Partner" drop-down, choose the "Avea Integration" option (see Figure 1-4). Enter the username and password provided by Avea, make sure the "Active" checkbox has been checked, and select "Add" (see Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-4. Selecting the API partner

Figure 1-5. Entering Avea API credentials

Now that you have your API and integration set up (see Figure 1-6), you will now be able to send clients and their demographics to Avea. 

Figure 1-6. Connected Avea API

Adding a client from BestNotes to Avea 

To have the ability to add a client from BestNotes to Avea, you must first have the "Edit Avea" permission (see Figure 1-7). If you have this permission, you will see the Avea symbol on the "Episode" tab. If you do not have this permission, reach out to your system administrator for assistance.

Figure 1-5. Edit Avea permission.

Create or navigate to the client you would like to add, from there go to the "Episode" tab. Here you will see the Avea symbol in red (see Figure 1-8).

Figure 1-8. Adding a client to Avea from the "Episode" tab

By selecting this symbol, there will be a popup that will provide you with your Avea practice list. Select the checkbox next to each program you would like to add the client to (see Figure 1-9). Once you select the practice, you will select "Add Client."

Figure 1-9. Selecting the practice for the client

You will then receive confirmation that your client has been added to Avea (see Figure 1-10). The Avea symbol will turn blue with a check mark, and upon hover, a message appears indicating that the client has been added to Avea and under which practice (see Figure 1-11).

Figure 1-10. Confirmation that the client was added to Avea

Figure 1-11. Status message after client has been added to Avea

The information you would like to have imported will need to be entered into BestNotes before it is associated with Avea. The table below includes what will be imported, and where to input this information.

Data ImportedOriginal Input
First NameEdit Client
Last NameEdit Client
Middle InitialEdit Client
GenderEdit Client
BirthdayEdit Client
Social Security NumberEdit Client
CIDEdit Client
PhoneEdit Client
EmailEdit Client

Import verification

When you have imported your first client, you will need to verify the import was successful. Once you have logged into your Avea account, select the practice the client was added to (see Figure 1-12).

Figure 1-12. Selecting a practice

You will then select "Patients" in the left hand menu (see Figure 1-13).

Figure 1-13. Navigating to the "Patients" page

Once you have navigated to the "Patients" page, you then need to update your filters. The first filter "Show Admitted Patients" is set to "Active" by default. You will need to change this to "ALL" (see Figure 1-14). 

Figure 1-14. Viewing "ALL" patients

Now that all of your filters are set, you will be able to see the client(s) you have added. These are listed in alphabetical order, based on the client last name (see Figure 1-15).

Figure 1-15. Patients added from BestNotes are visible here

If you have any questions regarding BestNotes, you can create a ticket with BestNotes Support or call (866) 543-6646. If you have any questions regarding Avea functionality, you can contact Avea at (503) 867-8853.

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