DrFirst has a variety of clinical alerts within the system to ensure that you have information that may be pertinent in the prescribing process. All clinical alerts appear in red. 

When a drug is chosen that prompts a clinical alert, DrFirst will display the alert on the screen. Providers may chose "Prescribe Anyway" to continue prescribing, or "Cancel" to cancel the prescription. If you chose "Prescribe Anyway" you can provide a justification for prescribing the medication despite the warning, depending on your location preferences.

Drug interaction alert

When prescribing medications, DrFirst will check against the active medication list for drug-drug interactions. Alerts appear after you have chosen a drug and corresponding strength. These alerts will have a reference section that can be accessed by clicking he arrows to the right of the message.

Allergy interaction alert

When prescribing medications, DrFirst will alert you if you are prescribing a medication that is associated with a drug on the list of allergies and adverse reactions. The alerts will appear after you have searched for the drug and chosen the strength.

Drug-Diagnosis interaction alert

When prescribing medications, DrFirst will alert you if you are prescribing a medication that may interact with a diagnosis documented for your patient. The alerts will appear after you have searched for the drug and chosen the strength.

Pregnancy and lactation interaction alert

You can input a patient's pregnancy or lactation status in the "Patient Info" widget. These fields are available for any female patients. Once selected, you will receive any precautions associated with pregnancy or lactation. Clicking on the arrows to the right of the message will provide you with more information pertaining to the alert.

Duplicate check

A duplicate check alerts the user if he or she has prescribed two drugs in the same therapeutic class.

Dose check

A dose check alerts the user if he or she has prescribed a medication amount that is above or below the maximum or daily dose for that medication.

Geriatric precautions

Geriatric precautions are based on the Beers list, which indicates that certain medications may not be appropriate in the elderly.

Pediatric precautions

Pediatric precaution alerts pertain to medications prescribed for the pediatric population. In some cases, certain drugs are not recommended for this population.

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