There is a new capability to display the prescription dispensing information when a pharmacy provides it. This information is sent by the pharmacy using the NCPDP SCRIP 2017071 RxFill message. With RxFill, a pharmacy can indicate whether the prescription has been dispensed, partially dispensed, not dispensed, or transferred. The pharmacist can also add a note to clarify the dispensing status, especially when the prescription has not been fully dispensed or when it has been transferred. RxFill is a one-way informational message, and no response is expected or possible from the prescription provider. When a provider writes a prescription in DrFirst, the provider can indicate to the pharmacy which dispense events the provider wants to receive by indicating this in the "Prescription" section of the "User Settings." Providers cannot expect to receive RxFill messages for every prescription. Participation is voluntary and many pharmacies have not yet started to provide RxFill to providers.
Requesting RxFill
While prescribing, the provider can request which types of fill events the pharmacy should send. This selection is not a guarantee that the pharmacy will send the events, but if pharmacy participates in RxFill, the providers selection determines which events the pharmacy sends. The selection is made on the "Review Prescription" screen. This option is only available when both the provider and the pharmacy are enabled for RxFill service.
Viewing RxFill
When a pharmacy sends a notification of a fill event, the latest dispense status of the prescription is shown on the "Prescription Management" or "Prescription Report" widget as an icon. When you hover over the icon, the status is described as well as any note that the pharmacy included.
A pharmacy can send more than one fill event for a prescription. For example, the prescription might be partially filled at first due to a supply shortage, or the inability of the patient to pay for the full amount at once. The prescription might then be completed later. Clicking on the prescription row shows the list of fill events sent from the pharmacy.
The icon for the latest dispense status is shown for the prescription and it is also shown for the medication record that was lasted updated by the prescription.
Set default RxFill
The default for this option is set from the "User Preferences" menu. This default is automatically applied to "one-click" prescriptions that are created from a favorite or by renewing a medication or past prescription. To set the default option follow these steps:
- Navigate to the settings by selecting your name in the top right corner, select "Settings."
- Navigate to the settings by hovering over the menu icon in the top left, select "Settings."
- Select "Preferences" option.
- User preferences will be listed, navigate to the prescription category listed below "User."
- Within the "Prescription" category set the "Default Fill Status Requested For Prescriptions" to indicate which dispense events you would like to receive.
The options are as follows:
- None Requested
- All Fill Statuses
- All Fill Statuses Except Transferred
- Dispensed And Partially Dispensed
- Partially Dispensed And Not Dispensed
- Not Dispensed And Transferred
- Partially Dispensed
- Not Dispensed
- Cancel All Fill Status
- Once you have edited your preferences the save button will turn orange, and you can select "Save."