What is an instance?

An instance designates the time frame a client should take a questionnaire. An "A30" instance indicates the questionnaire was taken 30 days after admit. They are labeled with "A" followed by the number of days after admit, or "D" followed by the number of days after discharge. For example:

  • A0: On admit.
  • A30: 30 days after admit.
  • D0: On discharge.
  • D180: 180 days after discharge.

These instances are calculated based on the admit date or the discharge date. The system defaults available are A0, D0, D180, and D360, but your company is not tied to these instances. You can always type in your own for each instance, or have BestNotes Support add the instances you would like to see as a static option on your drop-down (see Figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1. Instance options.

What is an IQ instance

IQ instances are "Instant Questionnaires." These are generated when you add a questionnaire on the OutcomeTools tab in BestNotes, but do not specify an instance (see Figure 1-2 and 1-3). IQ Instances are good for questionnaires that you do not need to know when they are taken in relation to other questionnaires. These are not intended to be used often.

Figure 1-2. Assigning questionnaire without specifying "Instance."
Figure 1-3. IQ questionnaire as listed in OutcomeTools.

What is a series?

A series is a questionnaire or a group of questionnaires that can be delivered at regular intervals of time. There are two types of series, static and recurring. Static series are used for questionnaires to be delivered on set time frames, such as D0, D30, and D60. Recurring series can be used if questionnaires need to be delivered on a recurring basis such as weekly, monthly, or bi-annually until the client discharges. The client is considered discharged on the date that is entered into the "Discharge Date" field in BestNotes. 

For example, if you want to deliver a group of questionnaires on admit or on a recurring basis, a series can be created to assign the surveys at the desired intervals whether on A0 or on a recurring basis (see Figure 1-4 and 1-5). Recurring series will stop assigning questionnaires when a discharge date is entered into BestNotes.

Figure 1-4. Assigning a series.
Figure 1-5. Selecting a series.

What are user groups in OutcomeTools?

User groups are tags on a client that categorize the contact for reporting and can be used to restrict access as users are set up with that particular user group (see Figure 1-6).

Figure 1-6. OutcomeTools user groups.

What does aggregate mean?

When data is aggregated on the "Average Scores" report, it is averaging all the clients who have taken the survey at each instance of time.

What is a clinical cutoff?

The clinical cutoff is a statistical term and a portion of an equation that defines the number (on a given measure) that best differentiates a so-called clinical population, those seeking help from a therapist, and those who are not, a so-called non-clinical population.

What is progress monitoring?

Routinely monitoring client progress during therapy has been identified as an integral component of evidence-based practice in mental health (APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice 2006; Dozios et al. 2014). Progress monitoring involves using a measure that actually tracks client change, measuring at regular intervals during the treatment process, and regularly discussing results with your client in session. Other terms used for progress monitoring are "feedback informed treatment", "measurement-based care", or "evidence-based treatment."

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