Role and Duties
The BestNotes System Administrator is ultimately responsible for all activity in the BestNotes system which includes:
- Adhering to applicable laws, including HIPAA, FERPA, and CFR42 Part 2
- Compliance with the BestNotes Subscription and Business Associates Agreements
- User access, security, and control
- Customer Data as defined in the BestNotes Subscription Agreement Section 1.1
- BestNotes Account Management:
- Payment
- Contract Termination and Customer Data Export
- Communicate updates of the BestNotes System
- Requested changes to the BestNotes system and quality assurance
- Properly transferring the System Administrator account to another individual in the event of a role change
Your BestNotes System Administrator should be chosen before implementation begins and will be your Implementation Specialist's primary point of contact. Although there might be other members of your implementation team, your chosen System Administrator will coordinate training, oversee integrations, and set up the database with your designated Implementation Specialist.
The two-fold purpose of implementation is to do the following:
- "Train your Trainers"
- Set-up your BestNotes workflow
The System Administrator should have the skillset and desire to train others after implementation is finished and should be familiar enough with the workings of your company to identify documentation needs and define your workflow best practices. BestNotes has an extensive support library of videos and articles to carry the bulk of the new user onboarding, but the System Administrator is responsible for sharing the co-developed BestNotes workflow with other staff members.
The System Administrator will receive an average of 5-7 hours of training that will be spread across multiple sessions. Further training may be scheduled, if needed. In addition to these training hours, the System Administrator should set up ample time (1-2 hours per week) to complete tasks identified during training which can include documentation building, converting client files, and calendar customization.
Implementation ranges between 4 to 10 weeks depending on company size, customization needs, and the System Administrator's engagement in the implementation process. Even during implementation, the BestNotes system is considered "live", and Patient Health Information may be entered. However, we do not recommend onboarding all staff members until the System Administrator has clearly defined the workflow. Implementation completed in the wrong order causes unlearning, re-training, and staff confusion.
Standard Trainings
New Client Orientation (NCO): Introduction to the BestNotes system and its available features. During this time, your implementation specialist will work with the System Administrator to identify implementation needs and expectations, and plan the training schedule.
Intake: Training on the use of the Client Portal, management of client files within BestNotes and other record keeping aspects.
Clinical Documentation: Overview the use of various clinical documentation including, as applicable, assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, and group notes. It is critical that Clinical Department Leads attend this session, to learn how the documentation set fits together in what we call the "Golden Thread."
Workflow Best Practices: The 'put it all together' call where we define the optimal workflow for the organization by integrating BestNotes features to the organizations needs. This training will highlight the BestNotes Calendar and Reports.
System Administrator Checkbox
When a user is assigned the "System Administrator" checkbox in BestNotes, this gives that user the ability to manage certain areas of BestNotes. As a System Administrator, you will have this permission. Some areas will require a permission in addition to the "System Administrator" checkbox and will be defined below.
The following area permission is granted with the "System Administrator" checkbox:
- Telehealth Setup
The following areas will require the "System Administrator" checkbox and an additional permission. These are detailed below:
- Permission Groups - "Manage Users" permission required
- Access Tags and QuickList label management - "Manage Tags" permission required
- Calendar Settings - "Edit Appointment Types" permission required
- User reports list - "Reports" permission required
- System Customization - "Manage System Customization" permission required
Beyond Implementation
After implementation the System Administrator is the liaison between BestNotes Support and the rest of the organization. The System Administrator must approve documentation and account change requests sent to BestNotes Support. The System Administrator is responsible for creating new user accounts, unlocking notes, restoring deleted contacts, managing Access Tags, and troubleshooting user login issues that may include resetting passwords or verifying email accounts. Most importantly, the System Administrator should oversee the general health of the account and ensure efficient and effective use of the system.
There should always be at least two appointed System Administrators. If one System administrator is unable to perform any duties, if ownership is in question, or if emergency account maintenance is required, this will provide a backup System Administrator. It is best practice that a System Administrator trains a replacement(s) in the event of a role change. Workflow and/or customizations should be communicated to the newly appointed System Administrator as these are often unique from organization to organization.