June 27, 2024

Account Billing update

In order to update your payment information, you will need to update BestNotes to the latest version. If you are not on the latest version, you will see a message within your "Account Bill" section (see Figure 6-2).

Figure 6-2. Account Bill payment update.

June 13, 2024

Email Verification notification

All users that have not verified their email address will receive an in-app notification prompting them to verify their email, and suggesting that they enable their 2-Factor Authentication at the same time (see Figure 6-1).

Figure 6-1. In-app notification to verify email.

May 31, 2024

eMAR Medication update

If a medication is marked as a Psychotropic (PS), the "PS" will be added to the end of the medication name within the eMAR (see Figure 5-3).

Figure 5-3. Psychotropic medication in the eMAR.

May 9, 2024

Account Management

Your System Administrator can now update your payment information in BestNotes! Navigate to "Account Details" (see Figure 5-1), then select the link for "Update payment details" (see Figure 5-2). For additional information visit Account Management payment information.

Figure 5-1. Navigate to "Account Details."
Figure 5-2. Select "Update payment details."

April 4,2024

Contact's File tab

When uploading a file on a contact's chart, you can now set the date that will show on the Activity Log (see Figure 4-1). Additionally, when viewing the file on the Activity Log, it will show "File Received" instead of "File Uploaded" (see Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-1. Set date when uploading document to contact's chart.
Figure 4-2. "File Recieved" instead of "File Uploaded."

April 2, 2024

Consent form revoke update

When a consent is revoked, the time that was displaying was calculated to Central Time. This has been adjusted and the time of the revocation will be set your selected time zone at the time of revocation.

March 25, 2024

New User update

When a new user selects the "Send Code" button, there was a 0:30 timer that would activate. This timer was intended to let the user know how long they had before they could send a new code. This timer has been removed, and the "Send Code" button will be deactivated for 30 seconds (see Figure 3-1). The verification code timeout is 10 minutes as indicated in the email with the verification code (see Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-1. Verification screen.
Figure 3-2. Verification code email.

February 28, 2024

API update

The new API method getProblemList will allow you to pull a client's Problem List. Review the BestNotes API for more information.

February 20, 2024

Audit Reporting update

In the Audit Configuration area, there is a new option for "Send To Portal" you can now select to display audit record when the "Send To Portal" "Create" and "Delete" events occur (see Figure 2-7). Once these have been selected, you will see when an item has been sent to the portal, and when it was removed (see Figure 2-8).

Figure 2-6. Audit Configuration for "Send To Portal."
Figure 2-7. Audit report display.

February 8, 2024

Activity Log update

The Activity Log entries for Assessments and Treatment Plans will display a Register/Ledger icon if there is an associated entry (see Figure 2-5). Additionally, the special field XLEDGERCONTENT will now display the results in the snapshot (see Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-5. Register/Ledger icon on Med/Clinical documents in Activity Log.
Figure 2-6. XLEDGERCONTENT special fields works in Med/Clinical documents.

February 1, 2024

Preferred name in BestNotes

BestNotes has been updated to display the contact's "Preferred Name." This name will now be shown on the calendar (see Figure 2-1). In the eMAR the "Preferred Name" will be displayed in parenthesis if it exists (see Figure 2-2), and the Preferred Name and Last Name will be displayed on the signature pad (see Figure 2-3). If there is no Preferred Name, the First and Last Name will be displayed. The preferred name will also now be displayed in the eMAR reports (see Figure 2-4).

Figure 2-1. Preferred name on the calendar.
Figure 2-2. Preferred name on the eMAR patient lists.
Figure 2-3. Preferred name on the eMar Sig Pad.
Figure 2-4. Preferred name in eMAR reports.

Custom and Library report update

When working with Custom and Library reports, you now have the ability to save the filtering options. This is set per report, per user.

  1. Select a report within the "Custom Reports" or "Library Reports."
  2. Select your desired filtering options and run the report.
  3. Select the "Save Report Options" icon in the top left corner.
  4. You will see a temporary verification of the save. Now when you open that same report, those filtering options will already be applied.
  5. If you would like to update the options, you can change the filtering options, run the report, and select the "Save Report Options" icon again. Then select "Ok" to replace the existing report options.
  6. If you would like to remove the report options, select the trash can icon that appears next to the save icon after the report options have been saved.

January 1, 2024

Previous Documentation

To see what were were up to last year, visit What's New (2023).

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