The on-site System Administrator will be the only user who can access certain parts of BestNotes. The System Administrator's Username and initial Password to log in as the System Administrator is given by a BestNotes Implementer. System Administrators will manually reset passwords and each password should be kept in a safe and secure place. After a System Administrator creates a user, BestNotes will require a user to subsequently log in when the system administrator login credentials are used first.

NOTE: IF the password has been forgotten or a new System Administrator is needed, it can be reset by any user within your company that has the "SA" (System Administrator) checkbox marked. This identifies the user as an administrator and authorizes them to have access to the admin account as needed.

When viewing the settings, the "User Groups" and "Facilities" can only be accessed by logging in as the System Administrator as indicated in the screenshot below:

Click on a blue name to go to the solution page that is associated with the System Administrator Login.

Access Tags - Ability to access client's information (e.g. Lock and key)

Calendar Settings - Look of calendar

Default User Types - Quickly give a BestNotes' user permissions.

Facility - Multiple locations, Labs, and/or Service Level Tracking

Groups - Calendar views, Access, and Signatures to documentation, etc.

Password Settings - Number of characters, how often a new password is required, special characters. etc.

Reports (Custom)  - User Audit, User Billing List, User Groups, User Logins, and User Permission

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