
Click Play button


 User Permissions Required (contact your BestNotes System Administrator for user permissions):


The BestNotes eMAR is designed to be used in the Chrome web browser with a resolution of at least 1024x768
In the URL, go to:

In the fields:
  1. Add your Site Id
  2. Enter your BestNotes Username and Password
  3. Check Remember Site Id before logging in. 
NOTE: This login will also access other future unreleased web based apps (if enabled). 

Once in the system, you will need to click the eMAR app button to enter the system.

Groups (locations)

Configuration for Locations (Groups) and their MedPass available times:
  • BestNotes recommends the Primary Tag to be a "Current" Access Tag.
  • The Secondary Tag can be a designated Group with Fixed Tagsaccording to the Access Tag.
    • e.g. A Facility would have its own Access Tag for Current Patients and the Fixed tag would be the Location (Group) at that facility.
  • NOTES:
    • Timezone will need to be manually set or Central Time will be left as default.
    • Any user added to the bottom of the group will be the ONLY users allowed to access the group.


Create a special ID for each device that will be used to capture Signatures (Physical Scribble OR PIN (Set up in BestNotes Client))


  • Add the SigPad ID to the Description for quick reference when selecting SigPad for Patient.
  • Have another browser tab or device with this URL:
  • Go to Step 5 for further details (Click HERE).
  • If no SigPad is set up, the Patient Signature button will not display for users to click and have patients sign.

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