Billing step 3 documentation
The final set-up procedure is on each of your clients’ profiles. To file a successful claim, complete the following steps.
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Client demographics
To keep a claim from being rejected, this demographic information on the "Edit Client" screen is required:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Sex
- Birth Date (DOB)
- Address (Street and Zip)
When filing UB04 claims, to avoid them being rejected, in addition to the previously listed information, also include the following information:
- Start Date
- Rendering Provider (PROVIDER1 by default but can be changed) (title may be customized)
Client payers
- Under the client's "Episode" tab, select the "Payers" button.
- Your company will already have created a list of payers to choose from, select "Add Payer" to add a payer to your client.
- Begin typing the name of the payer you would like to add in the "Payer" text field. The existing payers will appear as options to select.
If a payer is missing, contact your system administrator and refer them to Step 2: users, payers, and ledger settings.
An authorization can be added at this time. For more information about adding authorizations, visit Authorizations.
A diagnosis must be entered in the med/clinical. This will be located on the "Master Treatment Plan." If a diagnosis isn't entered, the claim will require a manual entry of the diagnosis in order to release the claim. For the diagnosis to be on the claim, it must be entered before the charge is entered into the register, or before the appointment is checked in if you are using the calendar workflow.
Before creating an entry within the register, review the checklist below to make sure setup is complete.
To be completed by System Administrator:
☐ Permissions and provider setup has been completed for users as needed.
☐ Payers have been added from the settings menu.
☐ Ledger items have been entered into BestNotes.
To be completed by staff:
☐ Client's payers have been added.
☐ Diagnosis has been entered on the "Master Treatment Plan."
The "Register" tab is now ready for ledger entries. A ledger can be entered manually on the "Register" tab in the client's chart, or by checking out an appointment with associated ledger codes. Entering a charge will gather the diagnosis, qualifying payer and check for authorizations that are available at the time of entry.
If it has been matched to an authorization, the entry will turn green.
Next steps
Step 4: file an electronic claim