Click on each blue name to navigate to its help desk webpage
- Academics - Module to manage a school transcript and grades
- Admissions - Application Manger/Import
- Calendar - Displays last Calendar items and/or Tasks, Q-Log, General Log , and For Review
- Contacts - Entire list of active and inactive (checkbox) contacts
- Documents - 5mb (or less) files uploaded to BestNotes (Company Use)
- Group Notes - Opens new window to manage group sessions
- Reports - Manage Reports
- Settings - Manage BestNotes and personal Settings
- Tasks - Manage Tasks
- Navigation Buttons - Original and Current Calendar
- Appointment Buttons - Original and Current Calendar
Contact Page
- Academics Button - Opens Academics Module for that student
Activity Log (New Note tab) - All Documents, Notes, Templates, Appointments, etc
- Appointment - Returns user to Calendar
- Authorizations (Auths) - Located in the Episode tab > Payers, keeps track of Insurance auths based on units used from CPT codes found in the Ledger Settings.
- CID - Contact ID or contact identifier number in BestNotes. Also known as Patient ID in Med/Clinical.
- Contacts Tab - Related contacts and their permissions
- ePIN - electronic 4 digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) signature
- Episode / Level of Care - Select Program with start, end dates, and Payer
- Files - 5mb (or less) uploaded documents for a contact
- Forms - Data Form templates (for insurance information, reports, etc.)
- Med/Clinical Button - Assessments (Intake, Nursing, History(Hx)/Physical), Treatment Planing, Medical (Meds, Vitals) documents that can have a Snapshot of that document added to the client's Activity Log
- OutcomeTools - Surveys for outcome results
- Register - Register Ledger entries for managing billing
- Tasks - Tasks for a user to complete with the contact (displays contact's name on Tasks)
- Templates - Standard notes or letters with possible AutoNotes to add to Activity Log or send to contacts
- vCard - electronic data to copy a contact to another program (software, e.g. Google)
- View Map - Opens address with Google Maps on web browser
Edit Contact Window
- Access Tags - Permissions to display contacts for users with the same Access Tags
- CID - Contact Identification (ID) in BestNotes Database
- DOA - Date of Arrival (Start Date)
- DOB - Date of Birth
- DOD - Date of Discharge (End Date)
- ID - Identification for company use
- Pref - Preference
- Providers 1-4 - Rename for company use (e.g. Therapist, Doctor, etc. contact BestNotes Implementer), Envelope - Send provider e-mail.
- Tags - Categorization of contacts
- eMAR - Electronic Medication Administration Record - Track meds
- Portal - Parent connections, sign docuemnts remotly, etc..