The following Custom and Library Reports are a set and given to all customers at startup. These reports are customizable. Many companies may have their own version of these reports(*). Report default description is given.
Page Content (Click on blue titles):
Admissions/Discharges (can be switched with Admission/Discharges by Location if a company is using locations): displays a monthly Admittance, Discharged, Average Length of Stay (LOS) and Retention Rate summary over a particular year. This report can be run by a census year. ADC = Average Daily Census.
Incident Reports / Reportable Group Notes: displays information from the reportable group notes that have been filled out in the Group Notes area. For example, some companies may need to run this daily to report on what incidents happened the day before. It can be filtered by Date Range. This report displays: Date of Incident, Day of Week, Time of Incident, Time of Day of Incident, Duration of Incident, Duration Category, Number of Clients Involved, Type of Incident, Hospitalization Required?, Police Involved?, Severe AWOL, Person Completing Form, Date Report Completed, Names of Staff Involved, Maintenance Report Required?, Date Maintenance Report Completed, General Description of Events, Client Name, Stage, Description, Who Notified, When Notified, Notified by and Further Action Required?. This template and supporting report are often customized and so the questions listed may be different for your company.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Staff Pictures Roster:
- If displayed and you are not using HR, submit a ticket to have hidden.
- This report displays all staff photos, if they are entered into your account in the following ways:
- Individuals
- And have "HR" Access Tag.
Average Daily Census: displays company censuses filtered by Date Range and Tag. Within the specified date range, it will list: Client Count, Admissions, Discharges, Total Client Days and an average daily census. The report can also be filtered by Access Tags: Patient name, Date of Admission (DOA), Date of Discharge, Admitted days in reporting period and Total Length of Stay (LOS).
Billing Client Payers: displays all active clients with an active insurance setup in their Episode tab. It can be filtered by insurance companies listed in Settings -> Payers.
Business List: can be filtered by state or tag. It will list a business (any company in the system that is categorized as a business) and anyone that is related (within BestNotes) to that business.
Appointment Status: (Replaced by C-Appointment Status but may still be visible in many companies report list. Create ticket for Support to remove.)
Calendar (C - )
For more general documentation, Click HERE.
C - Appointment Forecasting: displays future appointments by appointment day, time and amount of charge. A couple of examples of how this report can be used: managing appointment confirmations for future appointment days, reviewing number of 'no shows' during a particular date range or by provider, and monitoring payments collected by appointment date.
- Ledger All Providers permission required to display all appointments
- Hold the control (CTRL+) key to select multiple Appointment Types and Statuses
- Ledger must be checked for the client
For more documentation, click HERE.
This report displays the difference in days/hours/minutes between the times collected during the appointment workflow.
- From Check-In time to Ready Time
- From Ready Time to Begin Time
- From Begin Time to Check-Out Time
- From Check-In Time to Check-Out Time
Depending on a users workflow, different analysis can be obtained. For example, for an office where the provider checks in and checks out their own appointments, the best calculation for appointment duration would be the check-in to check-out. This is because if a provider checks-in their own appointments the check-in, ready and begin timestamps will all be the same. Therefore, only one true duration is calculated; the Check-In to Check-Out.
However, if an office has a front desk staff member that checks the appointment in. Then perhaps the client is marked not ready indicating other services/work is to be done before the appointment begins (i.e. intake paperwork, x-rays, etc.). Finally the appointment is begun by the provider and checked-out by front-desk staff as the client leaves. In this case, all four time durations may be of interest for analysis.
'Check-In' time - when 'Check-In' is selected from any of these areas.
'Ready' time - this will be the same time as the Check-In time unless 'Client Not Ready' is selected. Client Not Ready is available after an appointment is checked-in.
Why isn't there a begin timestamp in my report?
There are 2 workflows where, by design, this is the case:
1) An office member (other than the appointment provider) checks-in the appointment, this creates the document in the client activity log. The provider then opens and completes the documentation from the activity log and checks-out the appointment.
2) On an appointment that does not have a template associated with it, an office member (other than the appointment provider) checks-in and checks-out the appointment.
Why are some wait times blank and others say '0 min'?
If both timestamps are the exact same, '0 min' will display.
If either of the timestamps are missing the difference calculation will be blank.
How are the average times calculated at the top of the report?
#1 - Check-In to Check-Out : 30 min
#2 - Check-In to Check-Out: 40 min
#3 - Check-In to Check-Out: 0 min
Average: 35 min (30+40/2)
C - Appointment Status: displays appointments by appointment day and time. A couple of examples of how this report can be used: managing appointment confirmations for future appointment days, reviewing number of 'no shows' during a particular date range or by provider, and monitoring payments collected by appointment date.
- It can be filtered by appointment date, provider and primary contact location. It can further be filtered for specific appointment types (multiple appointment types can be selected at once) and appointment status (not checked in, not checked out, checked out, no show, canceled or all).
- Fields displayed: appointment type, primary contact, primary contact phone, primary contact email, provider, appointment date, appointment time (start and end), appointment length, title, notes, status, confirmed, arrived, paid and locked.
- Ledger items posted for Checked-out appointments.
- Group by Provider or Contact.
- * Next to Time indicates it is a recurring appointment.
- Displays overlapped appointments in yellow, even across providers when grouped by contact.
For more Calendar documentation, click HERE.
C - Black Hole: This report will show all active contacts that have had a previously checked out appointment and do not have a future appointment scheduled.
C - Calendar Setup: displays Appointment Types and their details. It displays Appointment Type Name, Token, Inactive, Required Contact, Require Facility, Check in Trigger (Start and/or End Dates), Assigned Template and Assigned Ledger.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Caseload by Provider ( Requires the "Administrator" User Type ): displays clients assigned to each provider. This can be sorted by providers listed in new user profile. It can also be filtered by status (inquiry, admits) and sorted by date range. This report shows each provider with a list of clients by: first name, last name, gender, Initial Contact, Start Date, End Date, length of stay (LOS), providers.
Client Birthdays: displays client's birthdays. This can be pulled for current or past contacts. Current contacts are those that have a StartDate/DOA but no EndDate/DOD. Past clients have an entry in both start and End Date. Client lists are grouped by birth month and listed in birth day order.
Client Demographics: displays all client ethnicities and total counts for gender, state, country and age group with graphs for each (entered in client info page). It can be sorted by tags (Access Tags) and Admit date.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Client Picture Roster: displays current clients, defined as those with a Start Date (DOA) and no End Date (DOD). It is a picture roster of all current clients. Clients are listed in alphabetical order by last name. The report can be filtered by Tags.
For more documentation, click HERE.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Contact Pending Signatures: displays number of notes that need to be signed by contacts. It can be filtered by Tags and shows the Client ID (CID), Contact Name, Type, Start Date, Discharge Date and Number of Required Signatures. Sorted by client with the most number of signatures required to the least.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Daily Census: displays the Therapist, Client's Age, Parent/Guardian, Referrer, Date of Admission (DOA) and Estimated Date of Discharge (EDOD). At the bottom there is a Therapist Case Load report.
- Diagnosis and Non-Diagnosis - displays CID (unless AltID field is used), Name, Date of Birth (DOB) Gender, Admit date (Start date - DOA), Discharge Date (End date - DOD), Therapist (Provider 1), Diagnosis List.
- Problem List - displays ID (for when AltID field is used), Name, Date of Birth (DOB) Gender, Therapist (Provider 1), Admit date (Start date - DOA), Discharge Date (End date - DOD), Problem list (goals, objectives Added / Resolved)
For more documentation on DSM 5, click HERE.
Duplicate Client Report: displays clients and their CID number who may have a potential duplicate. Displays possible demographic matches.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Inactive Reasons: allows the user to track all clients, who are inactive in the system, and the reason they have been inactivated (information pulled from client information form). It can be filtered by Tag and Date Range. This report This report displays: Reason Inactive, Number of Contacts, Percentage, Name, Date of Admission (DOA), Date of Discharge (DOD), Zip Code, Inactive Status, Referral Category, Primary Referrer, Referred Out.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Ledger Setup (Manage Ledger permission required): displays all Ledger Items/Codes created in BestNotes. It can be filtered by Category. It is sorted by Category and grouped by Procedural Codes.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Log Frequency by Contact Report: displays the amount of locked documents per Log Type for each contact. Change Fields to Display as needed. It can be filtered by Date Type (DOA, DOD, Contact Date), Date Range, Tags, and Log Type.
Log Review: displays all documentation (e.g. Comprehensive or Templates) created in BestNotes. This report is useful for managing documentation that must be completed within a particular time frame. Select a date type and a date range to filter documentation. The User filter will default to the user currently logged in. When displaying documentation for All Users, All Log Types a maximum date range of 1 week can be selected.
- For example, if your business requires document ABC to be completed within 7 days after a patient's arrival. The report selection would be: Admit Date, Weekly date range, and ABC log type. This will display all clients that have a start date (DOA) in that date range and the status of the ABC documentation for that client.
- Data / Results can further be filtered by: Tags and Log/Template Type.
- It displays: Client Name, Initial Contact, DOA (Date of Admission), DOD (Date of Discharge), Provider, Log Type, Filed On (Activity log date / snapshot dates), Created By, and Staff and Contact Signature status (Date/Time Signed).
- Additional options to display: DTC (number of days to document completion) from Initial Date, DTC (number of days to document completion) from Admit date, DTC from previous document and number of days since filed.
All Users vs. single User selection
- All Users – Documents for given log date range will display signature requirements for all users and will be grouped by log status' of Unlocked, Locked and Audited (green checkmark).
- Single User – The date range can be extended up to 1 month. The report will pull all documents created by this user and/or documents requiring their signature. The logs will be grouped by this users' signature status: Unlocked, Locked (no signature), Locked/Finalized (with signature).
The "Created On" column is only populated with information when the user running the report has the "File Audit" permission.
Log Status Report: displays log entries that meet the criteria selected. It can be filtered by Date Range, Indicator (Off, On, All), Status (Unlocked, Locked, Audited, All) and Type (client, individual, business, program, all). This report displays: Name, Company Name, Log Date, User, Log Type and Subject.
LOS by Provider: displays the LOS (Length of Stay) filtered by provider. It can be filtered by Year. This report displays: Therapist, Clients, Avg LOS, Shortest, Longest and will total numbers.
Med Clinical Report: displays all field data from Med Clinical forms. It can be filtered by: Med/Clinical Tab, Status (All, Current, Past) and Date Range. This report displays: CID, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Age at Intake, Sex, Admit Date, Discharge Date and all field data labels from that particular med/clinical tab.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Med Clinical Table Data: displays all table data from the Med/Clinical forms. It can be filtered by: Med/Clinical Tab, Table (Current medications, Allergy, etc.), Status (All, Current, Past) and Date Range.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Medications Review: displays the most recent medication updates for the given filters. It can be filtered by: Med Date filter (Med Start Date between, End dates between, Med dates between, Refill date between), Date Range and Med Status (Active, Completed, Erroneous, Discontinued). It can display the expanded view and Last reviewed date as well.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Program / Episode Reports (P - )
For more documentation on Programs / Episodes, click HERE.
P – Admission/Transfer/Discharges (P-Adm/Trans/Dis): displays all Program admissions/discharges for a given date range. It will display the patient name, ID, program admitted to or discharged from, the program admission and program discharge dates (Episode DOA & DOD) and their referral source (for admits) and Inactive Reason (from contact edit) and program discharge reason (for discharges).
P - ADT Report: displays all admissions/discharges/transfers and totals of each for a particular day.
P - Authorization Status: displays all clients that are active in a program and group them by program/location. It can be filtered by Program and Location (Ctrl+Click for multiple filters). This report displays ID, Client Name, Age, Gender, Start Date, Therapist, Payer, Auth Level of Care, Auth Start, Auth End, Auth Number, Reviewer, Auth Notes, Estimated Discharge, Discharge Date & Discharge Reason.
At a glance, this report show all authorizations per client.
- Blue - Authorization has expired
- Green = Authorization is current
- Orange = displays clients recently discharged from a program (last 7 days)

Our recommended workflow, would be to inactivate an authorization once all charges have been billed and documentation is complete. This way it will fall off of the report.
For more documentation on Authorizations, click HERE.
P – Census Summary: displays a programs census by Date Range. Any date range less than 30 days will display the census for each day. A date range greater than 30 days but less than one year will display the census by month and anything greater than that will display the census by year.
The census is a grand total of all clients with a start and end date (from the edit client screen) within the date range selected.
Admissions, Discharges, and No Programs are based on Active cleints' Episodes (Programs, Level of Care, Transfers). If a program has Locations, client names per location display below.
For more documentation on Bed tracking, Click HERE.
P – Daily Census: displays the daily census by day with a breakout by a program. The details area by report shows all active program locations and client names active in each. It can be filtered by: Date and Program. It can include the report information from data forms (up to 2). This report displays: Current Program, Current Location, Admission Date, Est. DC Date, ID, Patient Name, Gender, Referral Category, Referral(s), and Counselor.
P – Daily Summary: displays the daily census by day with a breakout by a program. The details area by report shows all active program locations and client names active in each. It can be filtered by: Date and Program. It can include the report information from data forms (up to 2). This report displays: Current Program, Current Location, Admission Date, Est. DC Date, ID, Patient Name, Gender, Referral Category, Referral(s), and Counselor.
P – Log Review: displays activity logs by Program. Enter a date range to find all clients active in programs during that time period and display activity logs (select all or specific types) for the same time frame. For more information, click the Red Question mark.
For example, Managers can check to make sure each active client is receiving an Activity Log on schedule.
P – Program Demographics: displays Program demographics: clients by program or programs by client. It can be filtered by: Program, Location, and Date Range. It can include in additional dynamic demographic information and/or data form fields (2).
P – Provider Caseload: displays each providers caseload of active clients within a date range. It will display all client's providers through assignment in the Episode/Program tab as Staff. If no provider is assigned (in program tab) this report will display providers as assigned at the client level in the provider selections.
- Active means that the Client's program Start Date is within date range and program End Date is blank or within date range for each program provider.
- The provider type selection lets you filter the report showing only users set as the selected provider type.
- Selecting 'Program Provider Not Assigned' lets you see clients in a program with no staff assigned at the program level.
- Can be filtered by date range and program.
- This report displays: First Name, Last Name, DOA (Date of Admission), DOD (Date of Discharge), Estimated DOD, Program and Provider.
P - Weekly Census (w/ Location): displays weekly census by Program. If a company is using Program Locations, an additional dropdown will be available at the top of the report for filtering and the report breakdown will list clients in the appropriate program/location. It can be filtered by: Date Range and Program. This report displays: total census (sorted by gender), admissions, discharges, pending. This report displays: Admission Date, patient name, Age, Therapist, Discharge Date, ELOS, Referent and State.
For more documentation on Programs / Episodes, click HERE.
Parent Emails: displays Preferred email of parent (if selected). It can be filtered by Date Range. Parents shown have been marked with “PG” on the relationship. This report displays: Client Name, DOA (Date of Admission), DOD (Date of Discharge), Parent Name, Relationship, Preferred Email, Home Email and Work Email.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Portal Accounts Created: displays portal accounts that have been created. It can be filtered by Date Range and Displayed Linked. This report displays: Portal Account First Name, Portal Account Last Name, Portal Account Email, Portal Account Created Date, Application(s) with status (Archived, etc.), Contact Record Attached to, Contact Email Address and Related Contacts - with 'Web Portal' permission.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Referral by Source: displays contacts with their primary referrals. It can be filtered client Start Date (Admits) or by client contact date (Inquires) for selected date range and for a specific primary referrer. This report can be displayed for screen or as a format that is better for exporting. It displays: Client, Age, Contact Date, DOA (Date of Admission), DOD (Date of Discharge), State, Parent/Guardian, Referrer, Program Tags and Therapist.
Referred Out – Admits: displays any admits that were referred elsewhere. It can be sorted by Date Range. This report displays: Student (Client), DOA (Date of Admission), Provider and Referred Out to.
Referred Out – Inquiries: displays all inquiries that were referred elsewhere. It can be filtered by: date range on Initial Contact Date and will display contacts with a 'referred out' related contact and no admit date. This report displays: Student (Client), Initial Contact, Provider and Referred Out to.
Referred Out by Source: displays admits that were referred to a specific source. It can be filtered by: Referrer, Format (Screen, Export) and Date Range.
Referrer Counts: displays referrer's contact created or start date (via date range) and how many times they were added as a pREF relationship on another contact (client). Add one other column for CID, Cell Phone, County, Credentials, DOB, EMployer, Gender, Job Title, Key Comments, Mail Label, School, Spouse, Work Address / Email / Phone / State / Zip.
Referrer Statistics: displays the number of clients referred by primary referrers in a given date range. It can be filtered by: Date Range and Ordered by (alphabetical, referral count). This report displays: Referrer, Email, Total Referrals, Total Converted, Conversion Rate, Last Referral, Last Conversion, Conversions 90 Days, Conversions 1 year, All Time Avg LOS (Length of Stay), All Time Combined LOS and Facility (as needed).
Referrers List: displays all primary referrers in the system and the clients that they referred to your company. This report displays: Referrer Name, Address, Work Phone 1 and 2, Mobile Phone, Email 1 and 2, Clients Referred (CID) and Initial Contact Date.
Related Contacts by Tag: displays - default - all current clients in the system with an Admit Date and the contacts that are tied to them. It can be filtered by: Date Type (see red ? for more information on this option), Date Range, Relationship (CTRL+Click), Provider, Tag and Format. This report displays: Client, Related Contact, Related Address, Related Phone and Related Email.
For more documentation, click HERE.
Tag History: The report can be filtered by name (contact name or tag name) and date. The date will show contacts and the tags that were assigned to the date range selected. For example, to see all contacts that had a tag with 'current' in the name during a month. Or, to see all tag history for all contacts by the last name. Or, you could filter that last result set down even more to answer the question: show me all contacts by name and the tags they had assigned in. Top Admitted/Inquiry referral sources. It can be filtered by: Client (Admits/Inquiries), Date Range, Tag and Format. This report displays: # (number) of Inquiry Referrals, Referring Professional or Company, Business Address, Home Address, Employer, Email(s), Work Phone(s) and Relationship. It will also total the number of referrers.
Top Referrers: displays Top Admitted/Inquiry referral sources. It can be filtered by: Client (Admits/Inquiries), Date Range, Tag and Format. This report displays: # (number) of Inquiry Referrals, Referring Professional or Company, Business Address, Home Address, Employer, Email(s), Work Phone(s) and Relationship. It will also total the number of referrers.
For more documentation on Users, click HERE.
User Audit (Sysadmin only): displays audit of each users login/logout information. It can be sorted by: Date Range and User. This report displays: Staff member Login and Logout Date/Time, Failed Login Date/Time and IP address.
User Billing List (Sysadmin only): displays all users and resources (ie. Calendar/Billing) by Billable or Non-Billable by group. Users in the Billable Users area will be grouped by: Admin, Regular and Restricted.
- Users in the Non-Billable area will be grouped by: Calendar Resource, Billing Resource, and Non-Billable.
- The 'Pre-Billing' checkbox will change the dates of the report billing period to be reviewed.
- Each user's name will be displayed.
- Inactive users will display in red followed by the last time they logged in during the billing period listed at the top of the report.
- If the user has the DSM5 permission, the word "DSM5" will appear in blue just following their name and the $4 will be charged for this user.
- If the user's name appears with no date following their name it indicates they are currently an active user but have not logged in during the billing period.
- All active users, plus any inactive users that logged in during the billing period will be charged.
- It is a good idea to review this report and inactivate users that are not using the system.
User Groups (Sysadmin only): displays all users in groups. Show by group or user. This report displays: user name (first and last).
For more documentation, click HERE.
User Logins (Sysadmin only): displays the first and last time a user logged in, also those who have not. This report displays: User Name, First Login, Last Login.
User Permission (Sysadmin only): ability to select a permission and see which users accounts have that permission. It can be filtered by: User Permission. This report displays: First Name, Last Name, User ID, Time Zone, User Level, User Type, Access Tags, Providers. It will sort active users from inactive users.
For more documentation, click HERE.